Weeks 1-2: Remove and Repair (stay turned for a sample meal plan to see what meals you can eat).
Weeks 2-6: Reinoculate. First week start with non-dairy, non-grain, and non-soy prebiotic foods. You could choose to take a prebiotic supplement if you cannot eat these foods. Incorporate one prebiotic food.
Weeks 2-12: Replenish. Start adding one new food group at a time in the order listed above. Take 3-5 days eating the new food within at least two meals per day. If you have a reaction, remove the food and wait one week to re-introduce the next food group. Gluten is not necessary to add back into your diet and can be helpful to remove long term, though some people choose to add this back in small quantities.
You can join our Healthy You in 22 challenge and we will walk through all the weeks of the gut cleanse together. Sign up for your first free meeting.
You can join our Healthy You in 22 Challenge and we will walk you through all the weeks of the gut cleanse together.
Sign up for your first free meeting here;