Did you ever think how much sugar is in the food you buy on daily basis?
Processed food contain refined sugar and carbohydrates.
Firstly you need to check the labels. However, this is not as straight forward as should be.
For example some food is label as sugar free… but it is not. The industrial milling process convert wheat into sugars that are very available to your body straight after consumption.
For instance, most of granola bars that are potentially “healthy snack” are high fructose corn syrup.
Lets make sure you are aware of the words you need to be AWARE of!
If you see these words on the list, avoid to buy the product or at least make sure its not something you buy on daily basis;
corn syrup
cane syrup
maple syrup
natural syrup
They all stand for FRUCTOSE
BUT… if you really like to have something sweet try to choose food with sugar substitutes;
local honey
manuka honey
yacon syrup (available at amazon)
Remember 4 grams of sugar is an equivalent of one teaspoon!
Make sure you are reading the labels and switching for more healthy sugar substitutes.
Are you ready to change your old habits and start focusing on good, healthy and nutritious food?