Exercise does not influence at what age you experience menopause. Many females claim to gain weight during or after menopause, especially in the midsection and believe that this weight gain may be related to the hormonal changes they are going through. According to numerous studies, women who lead sedentary lifestyles are more likely to gain weight after menopause than women who lead physically active lives.
Weight gain
During menopause, muscle mass reduces, which means that you may need fewer calories. This might cause weight gain in the future. By limiting your calorie intake, monitoring your portion sizes, and increasing your physical activity, you can prevent weight gain.
Bone health
We start losing calcium from our bones gradually around the age of 35. For healthy bones, vitamin D is also crucial. Your skin makes it in response to sunlight, but in the UK, this can only happen between April and September. During this time, it’s recommended you expose your skin to direct sunlight for around ten minutes, once or twice per day, but avoid burning.
Heart health
Your risk of getting heart disease can go up during menopause.
You can lower your risk by implementing the following very easy lifestyle changes:
Switch from saturated to unsaturated fats. Choosing low-fat dairy products and grilling your food rather than deep-frying it.
At least once or twice a week, eat meals that contain fish, nuts, beans, or pulses.
Eat four to five servings a week minimum of unsalted nuts, seeds, and legumes.
Reduce your intake of refined sugar like sweets, cakes, and soft drinks.
Vitamins, minerals, fibre, and other plant nutrients like antioxidants that support heart health are all present in fruit and vegetables.